AEC Postal Vote Application – How to Register Online?

The Australian Electoral Commission is authorized to conduct direct AEC postal vote application & voting through post or online. If you live in Australia, you must use these voting means for better privacy of your decisions and also to prevent moving out of the comforts of your home to public booths for voting.

The parties can now send you emails with voting links and you can click on the links. If you want to vote via online means, you can do so or you can try using the email or postal voting option. In voting through posts, you must send your votes using the mailing address and once your mail is received, they will count your vote in for the party you chose to vote for. All you will need is a witness who can confirm your voting.

Steps for AEC Postal Vote Application

To apply for AEC postal vote application, here is what you must do.

online voting
  1. You can either use the application form given in the link or go online for filling it up. Every state will have its application forms if you take the example of Queensland, you can see the following specifications.
  2. Your voter details will include the family name, given name, former names if any, birth date, contact phone, and the address enrolled by the voter.
  3. You will also have to mention your delivery address if it is different from the enrolled address.
  4. Add the applicant’s signature and also the witness’s signature.
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Your online form will also look something like this one.

AEC postal vote application

AEC Postal Vote Application Requirements

You will be eligible to go for a postal or online vote if you are not able to reach the polling booth on the day of the election due to some unprecedented restrictions.

  • To vote online or through posts, you must be an Australian citizen.
  • You must be 18 years and above for casting your vote online or via post in Australia.
  • Your residential address must be a minimum of one month old.

How to Register for Postal vote Australia?

The registration process and form differ from one region to another in Australia.

This form can be used by anyone who opts for postal voting in Australia. Add the following information in the form,

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Enrolled and postal address
  • Phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Enrolment and postal registration process reason
  • Signatures and date details

Early voting locations near me

Once the candidature of a location is declared, your early voting location options will also be declared for those who wish to vote earlier than scheduled.

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

Can you vote online for federal election?

Yes, you can vote online for federal elections.

How to apply for a postal vote for the federal election?

You need to fill in the PDF application form to opt for a postal vote in the federal elections.


Postal or online voting is a process of voting promoted by the Australian election system. If you want to vote using either the postal or online voting options, you must go through the article provided here.


  • Raj Singh

    My name is Raj Singh, and I am a seasoned Digital Marketer, SEO Consultant, and Entrepreneur. With an extensive experience of 7 years in the dynamic digital landscape, I have successfully launched numerous cutting-edge digital products.

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