Big Lots credit cards are being purchased by lots of people. It has amazing features, and it is charging very low rates for maintenance. Already, people are using this credit card, but a credit card is only beneficial when you are paying your bills on time. So now we will discuss the Login process, the bill payment process, and how to contact them if something goes wrong. So without any further ado, let us continue with the process.
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How to do Big Lots Credit card login?
All major credit cards have an online website, the online website helps you to keep a track of your credit card, and you can pay your bills as well. But to get access to the website, you have to use your credentials for logging in. When you apply you have already created your account now you have to log in to get access to your account. So here are some simple steps to complete the Login process.
Step 1: Search for a Big Lots credit card on your browser, or copy & Paste the given link on your browser to open the home page.
Step 2: Now click on the “apply now” button on the screen.
Step 3: Now Enter all the details that are asked, like your username and password. Now you are done with the process.
How to activate big lots credit card?
Here are a couple of simple steps to activate your credit card:
Step 1: Search for the “activate Big Lots credit card” on your browser, or visit to open the page.
Step 2: Fill In all the details that are asked and click on the “Continue” button. And your card will be activated.
How to pay Big Lots Credit card payments?
If you search on your browser, you can see many websites and apps that can help you to pay your credit card bills. In this article, we will only discuss those methods that are accepted by Big Lots credit cards, and no other website or app is involved in this process. So let us see all the methods via which you can complete your bill payments.
- The online method by visiting the official website: You can visit the site and pay online. All you need to do is Log-in using your account, go to the payments section and make your payment. The log-in process is mentioned above.
- Paying credit bills by using your phone: You can call their customer service number and pay your bill. Once you contact them, they will guide you stepwise until the transaction is completed.
- By sending a mail: You can send your bill payment to their mailing address. You can find the mailing address and phone number in the FAQ section of this article.
- Physically, by visiting the store or bank: You can visit the nearest Big lots store or stores that are in a partnership with Big lots, and make your bill payments. You can even Visit Comenity Capital Bank to pay your bills.
Interest rate & Late fees
When you fail to pay your credit card bill even after the due date, then you have to pay a penalty for being late. Generally all credit cards including Big lots are having a late fee of up to $40 depending on the duration and amount to be paid. The APR rate of Big Lots is quite high as compared to other cards, the APR rate is as high as 29.99%.
How to cancel a big Lots credit card?
Credit cards are used so that you can save your money and pay your bills later. So if you are canceling your credit card, then you are missing opportunities to save your money. We do not suggest anyone cancel the credit card. However, if you want to cancel your Big Lots card, then contact their customer service phone number. (mentioned in the upcoming point)
Also read: How to do Rakuten Credit Card login & Pay Bill Payment Online?
Customer service phone number & working Hours
You can contact Big lots by requesting a call at 1-866-BIG LOTS (244-5687). The specific details regarding the working hours and time to call are not mentioned on the official website. But you can call them during general working hours.
What are Big Lots credit card payment mailing addresses?
If you want to pay your bill via mail then you can direct;y send it to Comenity Capital Bank’s mailing address: Comenity Capital Bank PO Box 183003. Columbus, OH 43218-3003
What is the Big Lots credit card payment number?
You can call 888-566-4353 to pay your bills and ask your quarries about credit card.
Can you pay the big lots of credit cards in-store?
Yes, you can use your Big Lots credit card in-store as well as for the online purchase of the products.