Blaze credit card is one of the best-unsecured credit cards up for people who wish to use it. It works well for those who are planning to build their credit scores. If you make six payments, you can go for an increase in your credit limit.
Blaze reports to all three credit bureaus including TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Building credit is easy and safe with a credit card.
To take the Blaze MasterCard, you must apply for it. Applying online for a credit card is the easiest of all and below we talk more about the process.
Here is a bit about the Blaze credit card features you need to know before sending out your application.
Notable Credit Card Features | Blaze MasterCard |
Annual Fees | $75 |
Purchase APR | 29.9% |
Balance Transfer APR | None |
Minimum credit limit | $350 |
Maximum credit limit | $1500 |
Foreign transaction fee | $0 |
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Steps for Blaze Credit card application
To apply online, visit the blaze card website i.e
Step 1: When you press the Apply Now tab, you will be taken to the application section. Start the application by adding your personal information.
Step 2: After adding your name, social security number, birth date, and email address go on to add your complete mailing address.
Step 3: Add your phone numbers and mother’s maiden name.
Step 4: Include your financial information like your gross annual income, both taxable and non-taxable.
Step 5: Opt for the optional benefits and then press on the preview application tab.
Once you have reviewed your application, you must click on the Submit tab to complete the application process.
What are application requirements?
To apply, you must fulfill the following criteria.
- You must be a US citizen above 18 years of age can apply for the Blaze Mastercard.
- Your annual income must be verified and must include both taxable and non-taxable income.
- The complete address of your home must also be mentioned in the application form.
- Credit scores that are in the upper 500 and lower 600 can apply.
- One must have their SSN or ITIN with them.
Card pros & cons
The Blaze Mastercard’s pros and cons include the following points to consider.
- Building a credit score is easily possible with the Blaze Mastercard.
- It is an unsecured card and has many benefits of its own.
- As a Mastercard, you have the liberty to use it anywhere and everywhere.
- You can easily qualify for an increase in credit line by paying up the six months bills continuously.
- You have to bear with the payment of annual fees and other fees.
- There are no rewards for using the Blaze credit card.
- The APR is much higher than average. reservation number
If you get an invitation mail for applying for the credit card, you can use it to apply apart from going online.
When you visit their website, you must scroll to the middle of the page where you must click on the accept mail offer option.
When you click it, you will go to the next page where you must enter your reservation number and access code. Verify email address, then complete the acceptance form. Complete the form by accepting the offer.
You’d have received these numbers in the mail that is sent to you.
Also read: Easiest Credit card to Get with Fair Credit & Bad or No Credit
Blaze credit card reviews
The credit card has received reviews for several points and most of the reviews received four or five stars from people for the following points.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What bank is Blaze credit card?
First Savings Bank issues the Blaze card.
Is Blaze credit card good?
Yes, the card is good for those who want to make up their credit scores.
Does Blaze credit card have an app?
Yes, they have a free app facility for all their users.
How long does it take to get your Blaze credit card?
It is instantly approved and the card reaches you within two weeks approximately. It might also take up to 10 days to get approved.
The Blaze credit card is one of the best for the credit building mass. If you want to take the credit card, read the instructions provided here.