Paying private school fees is a difficult issue for almost everyone across the world. Many families wish to bring good education to their children. But, not many can afford to send a child to a private school. However, if you are in Florida and wish to find out a suitable scholarship program to fund your child’s education, do not miss out on the Family Empowerment Scholarship program
The Family Empowerment Scholarship program is a state-run school choice program in Florida. Major changes were done to the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program on 11th May 2021 by Governor DeSantis. He signed house bill 7045 passing several laws addressing different changes. The program is available for every student desiring to attend a private school of their own choice.
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Steps for Family Empowerment Scholarship Application
To apply for the private school, you will need to apply for either of the scholarship programs.
- A.A.A Scholarship Foundation-FL
- Step Up for Students
A.A.A Scholarship Foundation- FL offers three types of scholarship programs that are primarily divided into;
- Income-based scholarships,
- Foster and out-of-home care scholarships and
- Ability-based scholarship.
To get into these scholarship programs, you might need to write to their office at the given address: P.O.Box 15719,
FL 33684,
Phone/Fax: 888-707-2465 or send them a mail at [email protected].
Step Up offers four scholarships in Florida namely;
- The Florida Tax credit scholarship & Family Empowerment scholarship for educational options.
- The Family Empowerment Scholarship for students with unique abilities
- Hope Scholarship
- The Reading Scholarship
To write to Step Up for Students, you can use the following address, P.O. Box 54367, Jacksonville, FL, 32245-4367 or mail them at [email protected].
What are the Application Requirements?
The application requirements vary per scholarship type and each of them specifies their needs on their application forms. But some common requirements remain uniform between one another applications.
- Household residency proof is a must
- Parents need to submit their pay stubs for the past 30 days of earnings.
- Provide all other sources of income in your application
- A driver’s license and passport number are a must
- If you are a parent of a child working in the United States Armed Forces, you might have to submit your leave and earnings statement copy.
Who is Eligible?
Eligible candidates considered for the Family Empowerment scholarship include;
- Students entering a specific class will get a scholarship of a certain kind.
- The scholarship is based on the living place of the student.
- Dependent children of law enforcement individuals can apply.
- Siblings of candidates already receiving the scholarship are also eligible to apply.
- The student is eligible to receive the scholarship somewhere between high school and becoming 21 years old.
- Household income is 300-375% of the poverty level.
How does the Family Empowerment scholarship work?
The scholarship works to provide monetary help to students beyond a certain age group. This funding is aimed at facilitating private education for a child. The funding is open through any of the different scholarship programs actively working to serve the purpose.
Once you apply, you will need to wait until your application goes through thorough scrutiny. The program allows children to gain an amount distributed either annually or monthly until either the age of 21 or their graduation, whichever happens first.
The benefit of the Family Empowerment Program incorporates educating your children in a private school. If you want to draw the funding benefits and are not capable of providing children with private education, you can refer to the programs available in your locality for more information.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How much is the Family Empowerment scholarship?
Amounts vary from one scholarship to another and below you will find the details of each of the scholarship amounts.
Step Up scholarship- $6900 to $7500
AAA scholarship- $5300 for Grades K-8 and $6600 for Grades K-12.
What is the Family Empowerment scholarship income guideline?
Each of the Family Empowerment scholarship income guidelines is different and needs to be checked in the above-mentioned links.
Here’s all about the Family Empowerment Scholarship. If you have any particular questions refer to the article provided above for more information.