Funds come in handy when you are supposed to find a way through a work process that makes a lot of difference to society. These fundings come from specific sources and play a major role in the overall development of your business and deals. They also help in providing an avenue for the personal development of an individual.
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What is Global Green Grant Fund Program?
The Global Green Fund offers help to people who are trying to uplift grass root issues from all over the world. They primarily deal with environmental justice, human rights, and sustainability. Almost 800 grants are issued by them that go across 90 countries.
Their advisory network expands to a total of 160 advisors spanning 140 countries. If you had to make groups for these claims, it comes down to a few fundamental areas:
- Climate-related justice
- Maintaining healthier ecosystems and different communities
- Spans around local livelihoods
- Covers a human’s right to land, water, and resources
- Environmental action around women
When you look at how they act differently from others or what sets them apart, you will find out that they have these things in common;
- The people of this planet are to be protected and that is one of the aims of this organization.
- Their experts will power the change from the grassroot levels.
- Philanthropic boundaries expand with their grant receipt.
- Possibilities and potentials are aplenty within their vast network.
Who is Eligible?
You’re eligible if you fulfill the following conditions:
- Applicants must apply for funds in the six focus areas- local livelihood, healthy ecosystem facilities, climate justice, women’s environment, right to land, water, and adequate resources, and the legal right to defend the environment.
- Grant proposals must come from an advisor who needs to go ahead to present the proposal to the screening advisory board.
GGF Grant Program Application requirements
The GGF Grant program will specify the following;
- If you want to apply, you must tell them your plans and also detail the solutions for it.
- Also, specify a bit about your background and your reason for pursuing such a task.
- Since this is not a typical application process, you need not submit any specific identity-related information about yourself.
- You must tell a bit about the region where you are aiming to bring a change.
Steps for Global Green Grant Fund application
The group is operational since 1993 and they work by letting the local people take the lead in it. Since its year of inception, they have made almost 15000 grants covering almost 168 countries. The grants are worth $120 million across the nation. You will need to apply in the way provided below;
- To get access to the grant, you will have to initiate an in-detailed proposal. In the proposal, you must include the 5 Ws- why, when, where, what, and when. Include the solution and the challenges suitably.
- To submit the proposal, visit any Global Green Grant advisor within your region.
- Updates will come to you in your email so ensure you regularly monitor your email ID.
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
Is Global Green Grant Fund Legit?
Yes, the fund is absolutely legitimate and each year it supports almost 800 businesses across different countries. The nations revolve around Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East & North Africa alongwith Pacific Islands.
How much is the Global Green Grant Fund?
The Global Green Fund is around $5000 per business or individual enterprise that is supported by the Funding organization.
What are GGF benefit funds for?
The funds primarily aim to bring around social and environmental justice. They also allow small grants to flow to different civil society organizations and also to different indigenous confederations located globally
The Global Green Fund is a vast scheme whereby different businesses have benefitted in terms of getting the right resources required to continue in business. Those who want to file an application must read the details before making a move as the advisory board will scrutinize the application in great detail.