Having a guaranteed income benefits people in more than one way. If you are not able to hold a regular job, and you are incapacitated in some way, then you can try for a state-run guaranteed income program.
These programs can not only give you more time to think about your life but they can also support you in the most difficult of times. There are many people out there who have tried the different income schemes laid out by the government but haven’t succeeded as most programs do not support disabled individuals.
However, there is a new project that its still in the pilot state and goes by the name Breathe La county guaranteed income program. It is made to make your life easier and to provide you with more financial security. It is enrolled for 1000 eligible residents and is going to provide you $1000 every month for a span of not one but three years at a row.
Through this pilot project, you will earn while the project will collect reports about the impact of such programs on the economic stability of the masses. The project aims to study the overall development, health, and well-being of the subjects and participants during its operation.
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How to apply for Breathe La county Guaranteed income Program
Los Angeles residents can apply for the program from 13th April onwards. You can either try an online application or go for an in-person application.
Step 1: Add your details including your name, birth date, and guaranteed income projects.
Step 2: You have to enter the financial details like household size, annual income, and other processes.
Step 3: You can add the contact details including the address, apartment, city, state, and ZIP code.
Step 4: Add your email address and telephone number and add the captcha. Press the Submit tab once to complete the application.
In-person applications can be made at their offices listed in this link.
La County Breathe program application requirements
You require to fulfill the below points to successfully apply.
- Your family or you, as an individual have proof that your family is affected negatively by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- As an individual, you should not be enrolled in any other program covering pandemic-affected people or in any federal-run programs.
- You must have your SSN and driver’s license with you.
Who qualifies?
You will qualify if you satisfy the following conditions.
- You must be 18 or more than 18 years old to qualify for the program.
- As a single member, you must be earning $56000 or less, and as a family of four, you must earn $96000 or less.
- Your family or you must be residing in the LA county region that falls within or below the Country’s Area Median Household income (AMI).
Who pays for guaranteed income?
The funding comes from the COVID-19 relief dollars sanctioned by the Feds. The pilot project is run with the help of the non-profit community change of Wilmington, strength-based, and the Pennsylvanian University’s Center for Guaranteed Income Research.
Program Benefits
Applications are being invited from 31st March and will close on 13th April 2022. A thousand households will receive support and will get chosen randomly. The main attraction of the benefit is the money they will receive from the pilot project. There is also a control group in this study who will receive a $30 gift card for their participation, and that too will be a random selection of 1200 participants.
If you want to participate in the La CountyBreathe program, read the details from the given sections above for more information.