Michigan Bear Application deadline & other details

Bears are quite prevalent with the last melting glaciers in Michigan and are a common sight. Bears were treated as pests by the early European settlements. This led to vast damage to the bear population of Michigan where bears can be found largely in the Upper Peninsula which has the right environment for the bears.

But when the bear population mixes with the human population into the Lower Peninsula it leads to more complications. To better manage the bear population, bear hunters are employed each year by the State government.

For becoming a bear hunter, you will need a bear license and to get one your name must be entered in the point drawing system. Applicants with the largest number of points will be chosen for that particular year and those not chosen will receive a point for that year. Only a single point is distributed to each of those who did not get a bear license for a particular year.

Here are some important dates for making the Michigan Bear License Application for this year.

Important eventsKey Dates
Application openTo Be Updated
Online ResultsTo Be Updated
Leftover licenses for Lifetime License HoldersTo Be Updated
Applicants can go for leftover licensesTo Be Updated
Leftover Licenses for over-the-counter provisionsTo Be Updated

Michigan bear application

The applications for the Michigan bear application were open from (To Be Updated). Both residents and non-residents can apply for the license. You must be ready to pay a $5 fee for making the application.

If you want to apply for it, here is what you need to do. Click on the below link to start the application process https://www.mdnr-elicense.com/

Michigan bear application
  • Once you click on the first link, login to their platform either using their username and password or with your ID and birthdate number.
Bear License Drawing
Customer login
Birthdate login Bear apply
  • Look into the map and choose a BMU area where you wish to hunt as the first and second choice.
  • Find out the suitable bear hunting dates next to page 11 of the brochure.
  • Note down your hunt numbers and choose the number when you are purchasing the application form.
  • If you want to purchase an application for a reference point, then choose the preference point as the option instead of the hunt number.
  • After submitting your application, they will generate a receipt for you. Keep the receipt for future reference with you.
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What are the Application Requirements?

The person who wishes to get the Michigan DNR bear license must have these application requirements.

  1. One must be a Michigan citizen or must be a valid citizen of any other state.
  2. You need to show your previous experiences and permit with a bear or other animal hunting.
  3. One must be 10 years or older and even 9-year-olds can apply, given they will be accompanied by a 21-year-old individual in the process.

Who is Eligible for the Michigan DNR bear application?

To be eligible for the Michigan DNR bear application, here are a few rules to follow;

  1. You must have completed your apprentice hunter period for two years.
  2. A hunter safety course is a must for those applying for the DNR License.
  3. Every year, you need to apply for a fresh license.
  4. Each hunter can accompany a maximum of two apprentice hunters.
  5. You need to keep collecting points as the people with the largest number of points get the tickets for a hunting period.

When can you apply for a bear tag in Michigan?

 A total of 7001 bear hunting licenses are issued each year. The committee also maintains the bear population of the area by keeping a count of them during the bear hunting sessions.

This year applications were open from 01st May to 01st June.


Here’s all about the bear hunting occasion that opens up in different regions of Michigan within a season. You have to choose a region and then send in your applications. If you get to the list, you will be notified of the same. Even if you are not do not get to the list, you will receive a point each year of your application.


  • Raj Singh

    My name is Raj Singh, and I am a seasoned Digital Marketer, SEO Consultant, and Entrepreneur. With an extensive experience of 7 years in the dynamic digital landscape, I have successfully launched numerous cutting-edge digital products.

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