How to check Our Florida Application Status-2C QC meaning?

If you are in Florida and struggle with your utility and rent payment, do apply for the Florida application. You must submit complete application forms, and they will be sorted as they are received. If you are found eligible, you will be provided full assistance through the program. Landlords and renters can both fix this together as the renter, and through them, the landlord can benefit from almost 15 months of rent, and utility payments. Any bill after 1st April 2020 can be applied for.

Our Florida Application Step By Step

Our Florida Application

If you plan to apply, visit the site,

  1. Once you open the link, you will be taken directly to the form.
  2. Fill in your details carefully.
  3. You will need to reveal your demographic, professional, monetary, and identity details through the form.
  4. Once done, submit the form after attaching all essential documents.

What are the application Requirements?

To apply for Our Florida help, you must go through the requirements as given below.

  1. A renter must submit
  • Driver’s license (DL), birth certificate, or passport.
  • The lease agreement you have with your landlord or proof of the rent payment like rent receipts, bank records, canceled checks.
  • Annual income documentations like W-2, 1099, or 2020 tax filings.
  • Eligibility documents for SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, and low or subsidized income.
  • Unemployment benefits documentation.
  • Lease termination, eviction or condemnation orders, and failed inspection reports from the government, if any.
  • A landlord must submit the following;
  • A DL, passport, or birth certificate
  • Property ownership verification
  • Bank deposit information
  • Late rent notice, eviction, or court filing eviction notice.
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How to check Application Status?

Log in to the Our (Opportunities for utilities and rental assistance) Florida. Add your application details and click on the application status tab.

Our Florida application status 2c & QC Meaning?

Once your application is passed on to the QC department, one will get the QC application status.

The 2c application status comes with confirmed applications.

Our Florida disbursement schedule?

The disbursement schedule is lagging but still has caught up in speed in the coming times. The disbursement schedule depends on how quickly Our Florida processes and verifies the disbursement schedule. The disbursement schedule might be fixed in as little as 18 days.

How long does your our Florida application take?

It takes three to four weeks approximately for Our Florida application to get confirmed.


Here’s a bit about Our Florida application. If you are applying for it, read the details here before proceeding with the application.

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