Passport Application for Minors in US – Here is Complete Guide

Getting a child’s passport in the US is a long walk down the lane. There are numerous forms and procedures that need to be completed at a certain point. If you wish to apply for your child’s passport, it might be best if you start by reading more about it in this article. A better understanding can create a better idea and also help you accumulate details in a better way. Once you have all the details, it would be good to apply for the passport, as you will know what to expect from it.

Over the past few years, more clauses have been added to the existing one. You must begin your application early and must continue through the process by paying attention to details.

How to apply for Passport application for minors in US?

You can either fill out the DS-11 form online, offline, or at a post office.

The first step in the application process is to know if your child can apply for the passport with both parents and guardians. Furthermore, children under the age of 17 cannot renew their passports online and must instead complete the application process in person.

  • The first step is to complete the DS-11 form online or offline.
  • The next step would be to include supporting documents.
  • Gather proof of US citizenship.
  • You will also need to prove your parental relationship with evidence.
  • Special circumstances will necessitate the following kinds of documents- if the minor has only a single parent, one parent cannot appear, a parent cannot be traced, and if both parents are not available.
  • After collecting all the documents, you need to visit the application acceptance facility. You will need to choose from the 9000 different passport centers available across the entire United States one that suits you the best.

Online DS-11 application forms will need to get completed by the child themselves or by their guardians/parents.

  • Once you click on the link, you will move to the page where you will need to read the terms and privacy concerns and acknowledge the by checking the checkbox and then clicking on the Submit tab.
Passport application
  • Next, you will come to the place where you will just not fill DS-11, but also DS-82 and DS-5504. Start by entering your name and other personal details.
  • Enter your name, date of birth, city and country of birth as well as your social security number alongwith your territory of birth.
Passport applcation details
  • Add your gender, hair color, height, weight, occupation and even your employer or school details.
Passport Minor Apply

Once you complete the first page, move on to the next page and enter other related or unrelated details.

Make sure, you enter everything correctly as a simple mismatch can lead to further elongation and delay of the application process.

Video Tutorial

Who is Eligible?

Any US citizen who is under 16 can apply for a passport under this category. Primary eligibility is determined only on the basis of these two criteria, and the requirements are a must to fulfil if one wants to submit their application. You will need to pay the passport fee.

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What documents are needed for a minor’s passport?

The list of documents needed for a minor might look shorter in bulleted points but they will definitely require a lot of your attention to collect and organize.

  • Submit your US citizenship proof
  • Identity proof is a must
  • You will need a recent photograph
  • A child’s proof of US citizenship: any previous passport, birth certificate, consular report for those born abroad, naturalization or citizenship certificate.
  • Proof of the guardian’s or parent’s relationship to the child: a US birth certificate, or foreign birth certificate, divorce or adoption papers, or a consular report.
  • Identification document photocopies
  • For those whose only one parent is about to appear for the interview, you will need a signed authorization and notarized form DS-3053 for the interview process.
  • Your duly filled DS-11 form must be with you.

Do minors need appointment for passport?

A passport appointment is one of the essential steps in the passport issuance process. If one wants to apply for a passport, they will need to attend a passport interview. The interviewee needs to be there and like adults children too need to go in for the interview.

How long does it take to get a minors passport?

The routine processing time for US visa is as indicated below. 

Routine passports8 to 11 weeks
Expedited passports5 to 7 weeks
Expedited at AgencyWithin 14 calendar days

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What age is a minor for a passport?

Those who are below 18 as per US law will be considered minors. If you want to know more about who will be considered a minor as per US laws, you can check their site for more details.

How much does a passport cost for minors?

You must also pay a fee of $100 for a passport book, $15 for a passport card, and $115 for taking both.

Do minors have to be present for passport?

Yes, for the interview arranged for passport application for minors, they need to be present, and the passport delivery comes to your home address, so one need not be present to receive it.

Where to apply for passport for minors

You can apply online or at any of the passport offices present in your city or town. You can also fill out your passport form at a post office.

Who signs passport for minor?

The guardian or the parent must sign on behalf of the minor, and signing the passport is not something that a minor can do.

How long are US passport valid for minors?

A minor will be given a passport that will be valid for five years. If the minor turns 18 in between, then the passport expires even if it has not been five years.


Even though it might seem like an easy process when reading the article here, getting through the passport application for minors is far more difficult for many than it is for adults. Those who want a US passport need to submit an obligatory large number of documents, and each document must be the most recent one.

If you need to acquire a fresh document, do not hesitate to get one, and even go for the most recent photograph.


  • Vicky Sharma

    Vicky Started His Journey as a Journalist but end up becoming a content writer. His vivid expertise in the field of internet research and online form filling gives our readers the best content.

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