With the Shell credit card in hand, you can avail a whole lot of benefits that can work in your favor. You get a 10% off on all Shell hot drinks including the Costa Express and also on selected food ranges including the Jamie Oliver deli by Shell and deli2go. Even a 10% offer is available on car care products that are special including the Shell car, Jetwash, and even the Shell Helix motor oil.
Driving carbon neutral is possible with Shell and spend 10 pounds on fuel or go for more or a 2-pound in-store and you can earn a visit. Save 10 such visits and you can get money off fuel reward. If you buy Shell V-Power, you get an additional 3 pounds for the next 300 liters you buy.
With all these rewards and offers there is more that flows in with Shell and all you have to do is cash them in.
But before you try anything else, you can create an online account with them to know more about what benefits they send to your door every day. Login to your account everyday and know more about the offers.
If you are not sure of the login process, join in here to know more about the process.
Page Contents
How to do Shell Gas Credit Card Login?
The Shell gas credit card login is possible by tuning into the site mentioned here.
Step 1: On the login page, enter your username and password in the appropriate places.
Step 2: If you do not have an account, you must create one with them.
You can call them up to help you with details and you can also do registration online by going into the website i.e https://www.shellescape.com/smart/registration/onestep/start.html?site=sg-en
Step 3: Add your credit card number, name, address, birth date, mobile phone number, sex in the first part.
Step 4: In the next step add the other information like email address, password, and also choose and answer questions from the dropdown to keep a tab on your account lest you forget the credentials.
Step 5: Once done, click on the Submit information tab to complete the application process.
How to pay Shell Gas Credit Card Bill Payment?
To pay the Shell Gas credit card bill, you can go online or you could call them up or mail them the amount due.
To pay your bills online, here’s what you must do.
- Login to the Shell site.
- Visit the Payment tab
- Go to Bills and payments
- Complete adding your bill amount.
- Add your credit card details or your current account details.
- Press on the Pay tab to complete paying the bill.
Interest Rate & Late Fees
The late fee for the Shell credit card is $40 and the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 26.49%. You will not be charged any interest if you pay up your balance by your due dates.
Customer Service Number
The Shell credit card customer service number is 1-888-260-0886.
How to use Shell gas credit card rewards?
To use the Shell gas credit card rewards, you don’t have to do anything. The reward is deducted automatically and your billing statement will show you the applied rewards.
Rewards can be redeemed by an individual either at a Fuel station by swiping either of the three below options-
- Fuel Reward credit card
- Alt ID
- A debit card linked to the Link and Save option.
To derive a reward at a Shell gas station, you can do the following steps.
- Find out the participating Shell station names from your website or the Shell app.
- When in a pump, press on the Rewards option.
- Swipe either your Fuel Rewards card, Alt ID, or a linked debit card.
- Immediately you will find the prices dropping by
- Now fuel your tanks
What is Shell gas credit card phone number?
For existing credit card members, you can call up 800-331-3703.
To apply for a Shell credit card, you must call 1-877-MY-SHELL (1-877-697-4355).
For Shell Master credit card, you need to call 866-743-5562.
To call for the Fleet credit card, you need to call 1-844-802-6643.
What is Shell gas card payment mailing address?
The Shell gas credit card payment mailing address is;
PO Box 9001011 Louisville Kentucky 40290-1011
A bit about the login process, and payment details of the Shell credit card and site. If you are a regular with them, you can and must have a credit card with yourself from Shell. To know more about the process, read the details from this article.