Tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA)-Check Eligibility, status

What is the TBRA program application?

The Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program helps homeless people with special needs on a fixed income. Providing housing and supportive services is an important element of the city’s overall plan—services for the homeless and those with special needs on a tight budget.

Using Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), organizations may help homeless people with special needs to find long-term, safe, dignified homes that are also within their financial means. Agencies may utilize the money to offer additional services to members of the populations they presently serve.

How to apply for tenant-based rental assistance?

tenant based rental assisstance
  1. First, go to the official website of kyhousing.
  2. Then search for “HOME TBRA” and click on the 1st search result.
  3. You will get the apply option; click on that.
  4. First of all, you have to create an account with your email id and a password.
  5. Fill out the application. All necessary documentation must be included.
  6. Review your submission carefully, then submit.
  7. All proposals received by the deadline will be evaluated for technical completeness and conformity to the format specified in this TBRA Program Application Packet. The city may seek information to address technical issues. 


  • The PJ must choose families based on a documented tenant selection policy and criteria.
  • Assisted units must satisfy relevant property standards.
  • Property owners must utilize contracts that include specific terms to safeguard the rights of tenants and other parties. The PJ’s
  • Must provide permission for the lease to be utilized.
  • The duration of TBRA support must be at least one year (unless otherwise agreed upon by the owner and renter), and it may be extended. (not to exceed two years It is renewable)
  • To maintain compliance with HOME Program standards, the PJ must monitor its TBRA program on an ongoing basis. Monitoring must involve, at a bare minimum, a yearly audit.
  • Inspection to ensure that the unit continues to satisfy property requirements,
  • Re-verification of tenant income to verify that supported families are low-income.
  • Rent payments should be reviewed to ensure that they remain fair.
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The vast majority of households receiving HOME TBRA support must be extremely low-income. This indicates they have a gross yearly household income of 60% or less of the area’s median income, as calculated by HUD. No aided household may have an income that exceeds 80% of the local median income.

tenant-based rental assistance Benefits

  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) allows Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) to establish flexible programs that offer support to individual families to help them pay the housing expenses of market-rate units.
  • TBRA programs assist individual families rather than financing specific rental developments.
  • TBRA assistance goes with the tenant. Suppose the household no longer wants to rent a specific unit. In that case, they may take their TBRA and relocate to another rental property.
  • The amount of TBRA subsidy varies. The level of subsidy depends on the family’s income, the specific unit the household chooses, and the PJ’s rent standard. 

Also read: New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program NYC

How to Check TBRA Program Application Status?

  1. You can simply check your TBRA program application status by visiting the official website of kyhousing.
  2. Open the kyhousing.org, log in with your email id and password, which you have given. 
  3. Now you can easily check your application status.


  • Ajay

    My name is Ajay Kumar. I am a Digital Marketer, SEO Consultant, and Entrepreneur with over 7 years of experience in the digital realm. Throughout my career, I have successfully created numerous digital products.

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