How to do Pandora Credit Card Login & Pay Bill Payment?

The Pandora credit card is one of the many in-store credit cards that can be used to purchase gifts and jewelry from them. They sell all types of traditional and fashionable jewelry pieces. If you are regularly shopping from Pandora then what could be better than having a credit card? The credit card comes with innumerable benefits that cannot be ordinarily availed by a normal buyer. Credit card is not reported to any credit card bureau and hence if you regularly pay credit card bills you can easily raise your credit limits with them.

Credit card isn’t much different from the ones that are offered as in-store credit cards but can definitely make a lot of difference to regular buyers from Pandora.

How to do Pandora Credit Card Login?

To login to your Pandora credit card, you must first visit official website.

Step 1: Add your email ID and password in the given sections to complete the login process.

Pandora Credit Card

If you do not have an account with Pandora, you can register with them using either your Facebook login details or email address.

Step 2: Add your first and last name, email address, and password. Check the box if you want to sign up for their newsletter. By checking the box, you also confirm that you are 16 years and above.

The checkbox also is a confirmation that you have read their terms and conditions.

Step 3: Tab on the create account option to complete the account creation process.

Pandora Credit Card login

To apply for a Pandora Card click on the given button.

How to Pay Pandora Credit Card Bill Payment Online?

To pay the credit card bill, you can use your online account.

Step 1: Login to your Pandora account by using your username and password.

See also  Brandsmart credit card Login and Pay Bill Payment

Step 2: Visit the Pay Bill segment and then add your credit card details including the amount to be paid as the bill.

Once done, click on the Pay Bill tab to complete the payment.

How to pay as a guest?

Once you click on the pay as a guest option from Pandora’s website, you will go to the billing segment and from there you can move to the pay bill segment. Add your credit card details or your current account details to complete the payment process. 

How to pay Pandora jewellery credit card bill offline?

You can either call their number at 1-866-419-4096 to make payments by following the IVRS messaging or send them your payment at the postal address mentioned below.

Synchrony Bank,
P.O Box- 960061
FL 32896-0061

How to cancel Pandora credit card?

Visit the Pandora credit card account, and then to delete the Pandora account,

  • Press the Profile icon.
  • Click on settings and then press the account tab.
  • Press the delete account option to complete the process.

For removing your credit card, you must call the 1-877-295-2080 number and follow the process recommended by them to complete the process.

Customer Service Number

For customer service call (844) 467-1333.  If you have to make any online inquiries call them at (855) 922-2600.


What is the Pandora credit card payment address?

The address to which you can make your payment is Synchrony Bank, P.O Box- 960061, Orlando, FL 32896-0061.

What is the Pandora credit card payment phone number?

Call the Pandora credit card payment phone number at 1-866-419-4096.


Here’s a bit about the Pandora credit card and its payment and login process. If you want to know more about these processes do read more about them here. The card is an in-store credit card and is useful only for shoppers shopping from the online and offline stores of Pandora.

If you are no longer willing to use the credit card, you can even cancel it by calling the number mentioned above. Since the card does not report your credit scores to anybody, hence, there is a high chance you will gain from it well and cancellation will not penalize you in any way.

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