City of Chicago Moves Gas Card Application [Easy Steps]

Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine with Russia, crude oil export is restricted due to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the US. In the event of this continuous dearth and scarcity, fuel prices rose in many countries across the world including the US.

In response to this ongoing crisis, the Mayor of Chicago announced in the latter half of March 2020 mentioning the giving off of 50000 gas cards through a lottery that will be held soon.

The City of Chicago is to conduct a lottery for $150 Gas Card or $50 Ventra cards. These cards will help Chicagoans combat the high level of fuel prices with free gas and CTA cards. The cards will be functional at 417 active gas stations across any of the 50 States of the US while nine gas stations were not selected for the program as they do not have a good standing. 

Seventy-five percent of the cards will get distributed to people who face difficulty and hardship in moving around. The rest 25% of the cards will be distributed across the 50 wards. They plan to give out the gas card through the City of Chicago gas card application from May to September. If you do not get incorporated in the lottery in the first month, your name will automatically get incorporated in the next month’s lottery. The lottery online application is opening on 27th April 2022.

City of Chicago Moves Gas Card Application

There are three ways to apply for the City of Chicago gas card application and if you want to apply,

  • You can go online
  • Mail a downloaded application to the address given: ATTN: Dept. Of Finance: Chicago Moves, 121 N. Lasalle St., Floor 7, Chicago IL, 60602.
  • You can move to any of the library locations in Chicago and fills out the form in person.

If you want to know more about their online application, here is what you can do.

  • Click On the Apply Now button given above. This will redirect you to the website.
  • Answer the question to find out if you are applying for a gas card or a transit card.
  • You must also tell them how you would prefer to get the card.
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Chicago online application
  • As you scroll down, you will find the application form wherein the first part fill in the applicant information, complete primary residence address and also your household information.
Online apply Chicago
Address residence Chicago gas card

Also read: City of Chicago Moves Gas Card Application [Easy Steps]

What are the application requirements?

Application requirements for the gas card application are not many except a few like;

  1. A working email address for future correspondence.
  2. Your complete residence address including every detail about it.
  3. Total gross household income information for a month along with your household size.

Who is eligible?

Eligibility for the City of Chicago gas card will include the following criteria;

  • You must be a resident of Chicago and should be 18 or above in age.
  • A valid and present-day city sticker consisting of a valid mailing address must be there for the vehicle.
  • Your income should not exceed the 100% Area Median Income of Chicago and should be below it or must be right at the threshold.

How to Get Chicago Gas Card?

On the first day of every month, one needs to submit a lottery application. If you have already submitted it in the first month it will move to the next month automatically.

Once the lottery draw is pulled, all chosen names will be sent a transit card to the vehicle’s city sticker number.

The gas card will go to the current address mentioned in the file with your initial application.


The Chicago Moves Gas card lottery will be held in May soon and if you want to apply, you must hurry up. Quickly fill in the application form to ensure you have a chance to win the lottery. Pick up essential points from this article to proceed efficiently with your application.


  • Raj Singh

    My name is Raj Singh, and I am a seasoned Digital Marketer, SEO Consultant, and Entrepreneur. With an extensive experience of 7 years in the dynamic digital landscape, I have successfully launched numerous cutting-edge digital products.

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