How to Fill out 501c3 application Form – Guide

We all are aware of tax exemption benefits and there is a legal 501c3 application that will help you get tax exemptions. But this is not a form for the masses rather it is for non-profit organizations.

What is 501c3 Application?

It is a legal document that allows nonprofit organizations to report to internal revenue services for tax exemption qualifications. When the application is approved, it will allow tax exemption for the non-profit bodies at a federal level but to maintain a 501c3 status the organizations will need to take up state-level processes for maintaining it in their relevant states.

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible, you must fulfill the requirements given here.

  • File returns every year or at least for the last three years.
  • No violation of public policies within this period.
  • As a non-profit organization, they have to operate for keeping up with the public interest of individuals.
  • Exemption missions must be maintained and followed.
  • Non-participation in political campaigns at different levels.
  • No lobbying or related activities must be showcased by the organization.

What are the Application Requirements?

Application requirements of the 501 (c) (3) include the following;

  • These are the documents you will need for 1023-EZ form.
  • A gross income of $50,000 for the three previous years.
  • One must have less than $250,000 towards fair market assets.
  • The United States domestic mailing address is needed and the organization needs to be formed in the States itself.
  • The organization must either be a trust, corporation, or unincorporated association.
  • The organization cannot become a for-profit identity at any later time.
  • A Form 1023 checklist is a must.
  • A $600 check that is payable to the Department of Treasury.
  • Form 1023 application with A-H schedules.
  • Different bylaws of the institution.
  • Incorporation articles and other organizational documents.
  • Financial details, printed materials and documents as attachments.

How to fill out 501c3 application?

The 501c3 application will involve the following processes;

  • The first step is to complete the organizational paperwork within the state.
  • Employers must apply for the Employer Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS. To take an EIN one must fill the SS4 application form.
  • Submit online applications to the IRS for attaining the non-profit status.
  • For non-profit status with Form 1023-EZ, it will take only four weeks and for those who have to fill Form 1023, it can take upto 6 months.
  • Once you include all the application requirements, you can send the entire package to the following address:
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Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 12192
Covington, KY 41012-0192

Send it as an express mail to the address given here:

Internal Revenue Service
Mail Stop 31A: Team 105
7940 Kentucky Drive
Florence, KY 41042

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How can I check the status of my 501c3 application?

For finding out the status of your 501 c3 application, you will need to provide the following information whether checking it via mail or fax or call.

  1. Organization’s name and EIN.
  2. Application number and the date on which the application was submitted
  3. If you are directly not asking for the status for the organization, you must mention if your organization was legally authorized to know the status of the application.
  4. A valid Form 2848, power of attorney, form 8821 and tax information authorization documents must be submitted.
  5. Via phone using the toll-free 877-829-5500 number.
  6. For inquiring through fax, use 855-204-6184 number.
  7. Mail them at Internal Revenue Service
    EO Determinations
    Attn: Manager, EO Correspondence
    P.O. Box 2508
    Room 6-403
    Cincinnati, OH 45202
  8. For overnight delivery mail them at Internal Revenue Service
    Room 6-403
    Attn: Manager, EO Correspondence
    550 Main Street
    Cincinnati, OH 45202

Where can I get a 501c3 application?

You can find the application form here and you will have to submit it at Like most of the applications, you can find the online link to generate a faster and quicker service.

How long does a 501c3 application take?

Usually, the average processing time for a 501 (c) (3), 1023-EZ application form is an estimated two to four weeks’ time. However, for Form 1023 it takes somewhere 3 to 6 months.

How much is 501c3 application?

There is a fee for filing the application and to be able to pay the amount, you will need to use the means that they provide for transactions.

What is the fee for a 501c3 application?

Form 1023 comes at a cost of $600 and this amount serves as its user fee. For form 1023-EZ you will have to pay $275.


Tax exemptions are mandatory and for non-profit organizations it is one of the most essential stuff. Through this article, you can find details about the way you can file the 501c3 tax exemption.


  • Raj Singh

    My name is Raj Singh, and I am a seasoned Digital Marketer, SEO Consultant, and Entrepreneur. With an extensive experience of 7 years in the dynamic digital landscape, I have successfully launched numerous cutting-edge digital products.

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