How to CHECK Canada citizenship Application Status?

Applying for Canadian citizenship is a lengthy process as it is for other countries. Try finding the intricate details about the application process in this article if you’re planning to apply for citizenship in Canada any time soon. Usually, applicants can use the online application platform to send their applications and can also mail them the application details. Find out the duration it takes for the Canadian government to confirm the citizenship status. Also, understand if you can have dual citizenship when applying for Canadian citizenship from here.

How to check Canada citizenship application status?

To check the Canadian citizenship application status, click on the link given here.

  • Select what you are applying for in this case select the citizenship option for the application status from the dropdown options.
  • Next, choose which citizenship application you wish to check the application status from the dropdown.
  • Choose the application type from the dropdown and also find the application status in your email soon after you have applied.
  • Take the permanent residence tracker account question to confirm you have one.
Canada citizenship application status
  • Next, click on the continue tab to read more about how you can check your application status. Enter your unique client identifier (UCI) number or party ID after signing in to check the application status.

How long does Canada Citizenship application process takes?

It can take upto 3 months after the office decides on your application. However, more often than not processing time will vary and till the decision is made on your application it can take longer. However, with IRCC it can take six months or less for the Canadian citizenship application.

Why does citizenship application takes so long?

The immigration office sees each application differently and will take a different processing time altogether. More often there are some trivialities which delay your citizenship application beyond the expected time.

  • Factors like staffing inadequacy and
  • An increase in the number of applications than expected can cause a delay.
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Other factors that can cause citizenship application delays to include;

  • Application type submitted by citizens varies and so do their processing times.
  • It also depends on the completeness of the application submitted by the applicant
  • The number of times officials can take to verify the application.
  • Processing time of citizenship application
  • The duration, it takes to respond to the queries that were sent back to you.

Will Canada allow dual citizenship?

Canadians can have dual citizenship which means they can retain their country of origin’s citizenship as well take the citizenship of Canada.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can my citizenship application be denied?

There is almost 10% of individuals denied permanent citizenship by the immigration office. It means not all applications can get accepted.

Does Canada have citizenship by investment?

Canada has opened the opportunity to welcome wealthy citizens to Canada who is capable of investing in their country’s economy.

Is Canadian citizenship better than US?

Both have their own attractions and those who have not yet migrated and are still weighing the pros and cons of being in any country might want to know which is better. In this article, we will show you the differences that both countries have in terms of inviting outsiders to live in their countries. Based on your needs you have to decide which country is better for you. Here’s what you get when you migrate to both countries.

  1. Canadians have better healthcare and maternity leave options than the US.
  2. The US pays a better wage to immigrants.
  3. Other social benefits are more for Canadians than the US citizens.
  4. The annual leave structure is fairly similar in both countries.
  5. Canada does not have the issues of global taxation and fewer filing requirements.


If you are planning to migrate to Canada do not start the application process immediately without knowing everything about the application. Those who are already working in Canada and wish to continue there can definitely look forward to earning more knowledge by understanding how the application process works.

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